From Steelton to Ellenville

Cocoon Steelton: The Migrations of Many will be presented in downtown Ellenville on Saturday, October 28, 2023 from 11:00 - 4:00, 130 Canal Street (entrance on Hermance Street).

Artist, Kate Browne, testing lights

Hear 3 stories here from the artwork.

Saturday, October 28

11:00 - 4:00

130 Canal Street (entrance on Hermance Street)

Food by Twin Ravens


Cocoon, a performance installation artwork, is part of an international series on migrations. The prototype for the Cocoon was first created in a summer workshop in the Ellenville area in 2008, 7 Cocoons have followed in the US and internationally.

Now, 15 years later, the artist is installing her most recent Cocoon. Cocoon Steelton: the Migrations of Many for one day in Ellenville because Cocoon Steelton and Ellenville share common histories, they suffer from the disappearance of industries.

Cocoon is a large sculpture, inside you can hear excerpts of interviews, above you’ll see projected portraits, and inside snapshots of memorabilia from Steelton.

I see this as a possible beginning to telling Ellenville’s stories.

I am looking forward to meeting with the Ellenville School Art Club!

Funded by NYSCA Support for Artists

Note: there will not be a Little Cocoon Workshop at this event.