PARIS (FRANCE) 2012-2014
COCOON When Skin Walks with Memory, Goutte d’Or, Paris, a performance-installation by Kate Browne in the historical Arabs and Africans Goutte d’Or neighborhood of Paris.

"In Paris one of the pieces of the artwork I was interested in working on were lights and shadows. People were migrating to the Goutte d’Or from Africa and the Middle East, past and present. In France, the Algerian War for Independence was fought in the Goutte d’Or. Here was a striking opportunity to work with the symbolism of memory and place. The procession to the Cocoon became an important part of the work starting from Charles de Gaulle Airport, arriving on the RER B train at Gare du Nord and processing past memory points where we projected people’s shadows on buildings all the while people carrying the skin of the Cocoon." Kate Browne

partners & funders: Cultural Affairs of the American Embassy in Paris ; Open Society Foundations ; L’Assemblée Nationale ; La Fondation d’entreprise WFS ; La Mairie du 18e arrondissement ; La Région IIe-de-France ; La SEMAVIP ; La Ville de Paris ; Echomusée de la Goutte d'Or.

team: Renaud Cousin, Production Manager ; Maimouna Kaba, Communications and Press Relations ; Alison Brummer, Lighting Designer and US Associate Producer ; Véronique Drougard, Field Organizer ; Smaïl Kanouté, Field Organizer ; Daniel Johnson, US Associate ; Jayson Porter, Core Team Member Cocoon Exchange Mississippi ; Karamoko Doumbia, Core Team Member ; Baya Telaa, Core Team Member ; Bintu Traoré, Core Team Member ; Oussama el Mir, Core Team Member ; Luc Froidevaux, Interpreter.