Following the Removals

An Exhibition of Cocoon Miskolc

Procession and illumination in the Numbered Streets neighborhood, Miskolc, Hungary, DATE TK, 2019.

Procession and illumination in the Numbered Streets neighborhood, Miskolc, Hungary, DATE TK, 2019.

“Cocoon Bronx: Tracing the Bullet” is an immersive installation encompassing a 10’-by-24’ walk-through sculpture, large-scale photographic portraits and a 90-minute soundtrack in which a community describes what it is like to live through a never-ending epidemic of gun violence. 

“Tracing the Bullet” is a recent edition in Kate Browne’s COCOON series, which focuses on forced and voluntary migrations and the epidemics that follow. It is set in three public housing developments in the Melrose neighborhood of the South Bronx. Derived from numerous interviews, the soundtrack traces the path a bullet takes through the lives of its victims and their families, their neighbors, and the people whose work puts them in the bullet’s path. 

Between 2016 and 2018, Kate Browne conducted more than 200 interviews with people who live in the Morrisania Air Rights, Jackson and Melrose Houses. At nearby Lincoln Hospital she interviewed EMTs, nurses, trauma surgeons and staff. In the larger neighborhood she interviewed funeral directors, violence interrupters, housing cops, grief counselors, community volunteers, and members of bio-teams, hired to clean up the blood spilled in the shootings.

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